

Join the demand for freedom of people in migrant detentions centers

April 2, 2020.- In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the systematic detention of migrants in Mexico, a practice contrary to international human rights standards, aggravates the risks faced by detained migrants and those who have been evicted from detention centers in precarious conditions. The rights of migrants to health, personal liberty and integrity, as well as their right to seek and receive asylum, are severely impacted.

Faced with this situation, national and international human rights organizations urgently demand that all migrants and asylum seekers who are deprived of their liberty in migrant holding centers and temporary stays be released immediately, as indicated by international human rights organizations. 

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HASHTAGS:  #FreeThemAll #COVID19

This week, an asylum seeker died in the immigration station of Tenosique and at least 14 people were injured as a result of the detention conditions, the negligence of the ‘INAMI’ and the participation of the ‘GN’. #FreeThemAll

#FreeThemAll #COVID19 We urgently demand that all migrants and asylum seekers deprived of their liberty in migrant stations be released immediately, as indicated by #DDHH agencies.

#FreeThemAll Migrant detention threatens the health and life of migrants by exposing them to #COVID19 and other violations of their #DDHH. #Mexico must guarantee their immediate release and take all measures to guarantee their #DDHH. 

#FreeThemAll #COVID19 deepens the risks to health, integrity and life that migrants face in detention centers, particularly those in the most vulnerable situations. #Mexico must refrain from detaining them and guarantee their immediate release

#FreeThemAll The Mexican State must take the necessary measures to guarantee the health, integrity, life and legal guarantees of migrants. No measure to respond to #COVID19 should result in or justify violations of the #DDHH of this population. 

#After the events that occurred in the Tenosique migratory station, which resulted in the death of an asylum seeker, we demand that the facts be investigated and that the corresponding administrative and criminal responsibilities be finalized.

#FreeThemAll We urge #Mexico to guarantee dignified conditions and freedom for migrants and refugees, to design a strategy to attend to groups in greater condition of vulnerability, and to speed up actions of migratory regularization and international protection.

In view of the events that took place in the migration station of Tenosique, we remind you that the @GN_MEXICO_ National Guard should not be involved in migration work, especially in the use of force. #FreeThemAll


ACCOUNTS: @INAMI_mx @GN_MEXICO_ @SEGOB_mx @SRE_mx @lopezobrador_ @UNODCmexico @M_OlgaSCordero @A_Encinas_R @ACNURamericas @AcnurMexico @m_ebrard

@OPSOMSMexico @WHO @fgymexico @OIM_Mexico  @OIMCentroAmer @UNmigration @HLGatell @GovernmentMX