Two Years of Suffering: Biden Administration Continues Use of Discredited Title 42 Order to Flout Refugee Law

Human Rights First published a new factsheet on Title 42: Two Years of Suffering: Biden Administration Continues Use of Discredited Title 42 Order to Flout Refugee Law. With the help of Al Otro Lado, they’ve now tracked 9,886 kidnappings, torture, rape, and other violent attacks on people blocked in or expelled to Mexico due to Title 42 under the Biden administration. The factsheet also includes information about attacks by Mexican police and other Mexican government authorities against migrants and asylum seekers, dangerous border crossings people have been forced to undertake to seek protection while asylum processing remains halted at ports of entry, the disparate impact of the Title 42 expulsion policy on Haitian and other Black asylum seekers, family separations caused by the policy, targeted attacks against children, and CBP’s capacity to manage arrivals.
View the factsheet here.